Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Historical Facts

Information Services will continue to use this space to inform you of new local history acquisitions, such as photographs and artifacts, as they are donated to the library and become publicly accessible. We hope to combine these pictures with their interesting back stories. Alternatively, we may provide you with a quirky anecdote relating to any one of the Lake's various suburbs in information sourced from one of our various clippings files, oral history recordings or books authored by local historians.

Most recently a former Swansea resident kindly allowed us to copy pictures originally taken in the 1940s of her family's bakery, which used to be located on the Pacific Highway at Swansea -

Hardy's Bakery, Swansea c.1940

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Historic Photos -Online and Hardcopy Available Now

Lake Macquarie City Library is continually collecting photographs and stories from staff and residents with the aim of providing a tangible point of reference to anyone with an interest in the history of the local area. Currently we have more than 6000 historical photographs, the digital versions can be accessed at anytime by following this link:

If you believe the descriptions accompanying the photographs are either incorrect or incomplete, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can even take this one step further and perhaps consider directly adding a 'tag' or subject heading to the description. The library can also supply reproductions of photographs at a resolution of 300 ppi per image, the cost being $10 per image for individuals, higher for commerical interests.

Removing tank traps at Belmont South, at the end of WW2 (1945) .
Photograph donated by Clive Read.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Family History

Greetings Genealogists!

Many of you may already be aware that Information Services has a dedicated room at Speers Point Library stocked with resources to assist your family history habit. You are also probably familiar with the wonderful members from the Lake Macquarie Family History Group who graciously volunteer their time and expertise each Friday in said room between 10 am - 1 pm. And I'm sure that I'm preaching to the converted when I mention that you can access, free of charge, the Internet based program Ancestry.Com (Library Edition) from any of one of our branches.

What you won't know however, is that in the coming weeks and months we intend to change the focus of this blog somewhat, with the aim of keeping you increasingly informed and regularly updated in local family history happenings. For example, the library is currently in the process of acquiring the following batch of 'gene' resources:

  • New South Wales Police Gazette Complete Set 1862-1938
  • New South Wales Telephone Directories: Compendium 1 - set of 4 Northern and Western Districts Directories 1946-48
  • New South Wales Telephone Directories: Compendium 2 - selection of 21 Directories
Stay tuned for further updates!

HSC Resources

The theme for this year’s HSC, is ‘Belonging’. For further details see the INFOCUS topics folder housed at INF. It is also well worth consulting the NSW Board of Studies website at

This site discusses preferred teaching aides and resource suppliers, as well as an explanation of the school A-E grading system complete with work samples and commentaries from markers. There is also a site called ‘HSC all my own work’ the aim of this site is to educate students about ethical modes of study and more specifically, how to avoid plagiarism.

For further information, it is also worth browsing the HSC Online Website , hosted by the NSW Dept of Education and Charles Sturt Uni. There students can discover past HSC papers and detailed explanations of various subject syllabuses by the teachers who designed them. Students can also personalise this page and learn about "search engine optimisation"!

Onf further site well worth checking out is the collaborative collaborative effort ‘Inside Break’ a HSC resources website provided by Warringah, Manly and Pittwater Council Libraries. Inside Break contains information and links to lectures, library resources and past exams. This site also offers forums for students to contribute to and online homework help. There is an entire page in this site dedicated to the concept of ‘Belonging’

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is Stack?

The compactus storage shelving in the room behind the staff at Information Services is known as the "stack". Occasionally books end up here once they have been removed from the shelves at your local library branch.

Stack is divided into two main sections: Adult Fiction: Arranged in alphabetical order of author surname (right) & Adult Non Fiction: Arranged in Dewey numbered order (left). We also have a select range of junior fiction, assorted reference materials such as service manuals & telephone books, newspapers, serials (magazines), journals and Government Gazettes.

Some books are larger than most and require specialised shelving within stack. Most notably these are Quartos and Folios. Quartos usually measure approximately 23 cm by 30 cm, where as Folios are larger again, approximately 38 cm or more in height. Both often contain detailed illustrations and or photographs and maps. You'll find many art themed books in the quartos.

The stack is open to all patrons and details of holdings in this area appear on the catalogue. Keep your eye out for books marked either 'Quarto' or 'Folio'. And on a final note, when using the stack please ensure passageways are clear before moving shelving.