Greetings Genealogists!
Many of you may already be aware that Information Services has a dedicated room at
Speers Point Library stocked with resources to assist your family history habit. You are also probably familiar with the wonderful members from the Lake
Macquarie Family History Group who
graciously volunteer their time and expertise each Friday in said room between 10 am - 1 pm. And I'm sure that I'm preaching to the converted when I mention that you can access, free of charge, the
Internet based program Ancestry.Com (Library Edition) from any of one of our branches.
What you won't know however, is that in the coming weeks and months we intend to change the focus of this blog somewhat, with the aim of keeping you
increasingly informed and regularly updated in local family history happenings. For example, the library is currently in the process of acquiring the
following batch of 'gene' resources:
- New South Wales Police Gazette Complete Set 1862-1938
- New South Wales Telephone Directories: Compendium 1 - set of 4 Northern and Western Districts Directories 1946-48
- New South Wales Telephone Directories: Compendium 2 - selection of 21 Directories
Stay tuned for further updates!