Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Member For Charlton & The Mining Maps

The Hon. Greg Combet AM MP (pictured left with Council's Jo Smith) recently took time out of a busy schedule to pay us a visit at Information Services. During his time with us the Member for Charlton presented us with a heritage grant and inspected part of the donated collection which the money will help preserve.

The collection referred to incorporates several thousand maps detailing aspects of many of the region's coal mines as well as early plans of Wangi Power Station. Several of the maps date back to the 1950s and include accident reports.

This extensive and culturally significant collection had been formerly located at the old Rhondda Colliery near Teralba. Lake Macquarie Library took ownership in 2000 and the maps have been housed it in the vicinity of Morisset Library since then.

In 2007, the library successfully applied for a federally funded Community Heritage Grant which enabled us to commission a significance assessment for the collection. Following on from this, Council applied for a supplementary grant aimed at gaining assistance in preserving the items. We were again successful in our application and as a result, Mr Combet (himself a former mining engineer) presented us with the grant in person.


Anonymous said...

When will the maps be on public display?

Information Services said...

There are several hundred maps in the collection. We have professional advice pending as to their significance and how to preserve them. When that arrives we will then consider how to display them.
Information Services.