The Water's Edge
This year, the theme for History Week is "The water's edge". Initiated by the History Council of NSW, History Week is about celebrating the best in community and professional history, highlighting its role in our cultural life and inviting people to get involved. Across Lake Macquarie City's libraries you will be able to view photographic displays of the Lake area at Morisset, Swansea, Belmont and Toronto branches. Family history workshops will also be offered.
This year, the theme for History Week is "The water's edge". Initiated by the History Council of NSW, History Week is about celebrating the best in community and professional history, highlighting its role in our cultural life and inviting people to get involved. Across Lake Macquarie City's libraries you will be able to view photographic displays of the Lake area at Morisset, Swansea, Belmont and Toronto branches. Family history workshops will also be offered.
For further information phone: 49210463 or visit the following site;
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